20130924-222820.jpgThis. This. This. This. This. This.

You know that Frank’s Hot Sauce commercial where a spunky old lady says, “I put that (beep) on everything!”

Well, I feel her, because this sauce is my $&!@^{~ing (beep)! I have been putting this sauce on every possible thing I can think of – pasta, rice, breads, meat, every (beeping) thing.

The downside is that it’s pure garlic and I end up smelling like seven levels of putridness, but it’s worth it.

Not far from where my son takes Parkour class, is the Mediterranean Bakery in Alexandria. Even before we had kids, my husband and I would order their chicken shawerma and eat in the limited seating area. 9 years later, we are back and we ordered 3 chicken shawermas (2 for my husband and I, and 1 for the kids), only instead of eating there, we ate at a nearby park – because really, with three kids, we don’t do limited seating.

As we are leaving the store, I see this garlic sauce, and conflict arises in my head already. Lebanese food is my favorite food, and the Lebanese garlic sauce (Toum) that usually accompanies the meals is why it’s my favorite. BUT – if I buy it to have at home, outside the confines of a Lebanese restaurant, will I lose control and eat it at absolutely every meal? Will it take me to a dark place from which I can never leave nor would want to?

Well, it hasn’t been every meal but I’ve been pretty close to putting this (beep) on everything.

20130924-224406.jpgHorrible picture. Yummy taste.

20130924-224445.jpgToasted flatbread and hummus, one of 63,491 I’ve eaten this sauce with.

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